1. Creating Plans, enabling Stripe Checkout and Billing portal

Create monthly and yearly plans that synchronize with your pricing page. Enable Stripe Checkout and Customer Portal without integration effort.

Completion time: 10 minutes


SaaSBox provides subscription management, customer checkout and billing portals using stripe. It simplifies enabling these features with no programming needed, saving you the integration effort and time.

Let's get started. If you haven't created, create a stripe account first.

Adding Your Stripe Keys

Go to your Stripe dashboard, and copy paste your live keys as above into your application. Your Stripe keys are securely stored with 256-bit AES encryption, in a secure key management system created for this purpose.

Your Stripe keys are required for creating price Plans and for users to subscribe to your SaaS.

If you are only going to create free plans, you may skip this step.

Creating Subscription Plans

Simply go to the Plans tab, and enter information such as the Plan name, description, price, period, and features.

The plan information and features you list here are auto synced and immediately displayed on your pricing page as follows:

SaaSBox plans synchronize and update your pricing pages. As soon as the plan is created and live, visitors can see it on your pricing page and purchase it.

Stripe Checkout and Customer Portal enabled without integration

Stripe checkout and customer portal are already pre-configured and enabled for you by SaaSBox.

Stripe Checkout Workflow

When a user clicks on the "Buy" button for your plan, they will get redirected to the Stripe Checkout page and back to SaaSBox. If they don't have an account yet, they will be redirected to create that first.

Billing Management: Changing Subscriptions, Invoice downloads, Changing payment methods

Existing customers can manage their billing in the subscription section of the SaaSBox user area. Upon clicking on the "Manage subscription" button, they will get redirected to the Stripe Customer Portal where they can:

  • Change or cancel their plan

  • Update their subscription quantity

  • Download past invoices

  • Update their payment method (e.g. credit card).

The customer portal is a secure area hosted by Stripe, and pre-integrated by SaaSBox.

Last updated