4. Signup and login flows for your users

No setup required for user management

User login, sign up, password reset flows are built-in to SaaSBox thus no need to go through any setup or integration step, or design any flows.

The only main change needed is an update to your related web pages to reflect your branding.

In this section we cover the default user workflow from the perspective of your authenticated users and customers to confirm your understanding.

Step 1. Landing Page

Users typically start on your landing page. Check out our github editor guide on how to customize this or any other pages.

Step 2. Sign up Page

The sign up page is fully functional. The steps you need to take are branding it to your liking, and updating the terms and privacy policy links. Social login configurations are possible, for this contact our team: team@saasbox.net

Step 3. Pricing Page

Upon sign up, your user is redirected to the pricing page. The page is auto-populated with live plans you have created in the plan setup guides. There is no need to modify the UI.

Free plans will create a plan object and redirect your user to their dashboard skipping checkout. We cover the common use case of having paid plans below.

Step 4. Checkout

Once your user selects a paid plan, they are redirected to your checkout page. The page reminds the benefit of subscribing to your service, as well as what the plan offers. Feel free to create discount coupons in Stripe, that are applicable on this screen.

Step 5. User Dashboard

Once checkout succeeds, your users are redirected to their user dashboard to start using your service.

We recommend hosting this dashboard on SaaSBox, making API calls to your backend. We encourage you to leverage our free integration service for integration and activation (contact: team@saasbox.net)

You may host this part on your own backend. Check out our NextJS guide as an example.

Now is the time to further optimize your user facing pages, and application dashboard. If you have any questions or issues to solve, contact us via email: team@saasbox.net

Last updated